Our beautiful babies were born today.
Harper L*** Churchill was first to be born at 4:24 am this morning. She weighed 4 pounds and 5 ounces (1.95kg for the rest of the world) and was 17 1/2″ long. She came out healthy and full of cries. Baby girl was moved to the NICU after about ten minutes of clean up and checking her vitals in a small room next to the OR where momma had been taken for the C-section.
Hudson Jay Churchill came out next, he was in a more difficult position than sis, facing backwards and head upright. He came out a minute later at 4:25 am weighing 4 pounds and 4 ounces (1.92kg) and 17 3/4″ long. At least he has a 1/4″ to hold over her when they get older. When he came in the room next to the OR (there has to be a name for this room, right?) he was not doing as well as big sis, they were able to get his lungs cleaned out and eventually breathing on a C-pap machine in the NICU.
Both babies are now stable and doing well. They tell us later tonight they will be feeding Harper a small amount of food through her tube. If that takes, they will gradually increase the amount they give her.
Among all the other craziness, we were asked to make our first decision for the twins. Do we want to give them a Hepatitis B vaccine shot? Seems fairly simple, right? Of course. Well, it wasn’t. With the fact sheets they give, the information on the dreaded internet and doubting yourself on everything little line you read, it makes it difficult. We ultimately gave our blessing for the vaccine but it wasn’t without hesitation. This is one of the first of many decisions we will be making for the twins and I hope they progressively get easier with more confidence as parents.
Yesterday, I was worried about placing tiles in an accurate line so our new home will be a confortable place for our children to grow up in, today I am worried about those children. We are so excited about the Churchill twins and are so glad to have finally met them, even if it was a bit early.
Steven, I am looking forward to reading about your twin adventure. Speaking from experience, twins are so much fun!! So excited that our twins’ now share the same birthday!! In reading your first blog, I can already tell that you & Genie are going to be GREAT parents. God never gives you more than you can handle – and he only picks the best to be the parents of twins!! ENJOY!